Meth addiction and unhealthy codependent relationships often go hand-in-hand. Sometimes, codependency can be just as much a vicious cycle as addiction and just as difficult to break away from.
If you are struggling with meth addiction and are relying on one person to see you through, it is very possible that you are finding yourself in a codependent relationship. This means you need to reclaim your life from addiction and heal from the harmful effects of codependency.
At Hills & Ranges Private, the professional clinical team takes a holistic but science-backed approach to assisting patients through the different stages of recovery from meth addiction and codependency.
The following steps will help you understand the extent of your problem and why finding urgent help is crucial for yourself and your loved ones.
- Acknowledge Your Addiction
The first step to recovery is acknowledging you have an addiction problem. This goes for both meth addiction and codependency. In both cases, recognition and acknowledgment is critical.
Meth is a very dangerous stimulant drug that changes how your brain functions. When you use it, it gives you a simulated (false) sense of energy and euphoria. You keep using it because, without meth, it becomes harder to achieve the same sensations.
According to a study in The Journal of Neuroscience, chronic meth use rewires the brain’s dopamine system. This creates a dependence that is impossible to break without professional intervention.
When codependency occurs alongside meth use, the person helping you is actually enabling you to continue using meth. This is most likely not because the person helping wants you to use meth but because they do not realize they are making it easier for you.
The team at HARP knows how difficult it is for patients to break free from addiction. They also know that trying rehab and failing to recover usually means a patient does not have the right support and education. This is why the HARP clinical team is committed to making a patient’s journey to recovery and healing one that lasts.
Taking Action After Recognizing Your Addiction
When you admit your problem to yourself and others, it is time to face your addiction head-on. Ask your loved ones to help you contact a HARP professional for a consultation.
- Seek Professional Help
Healing from meth addiction and codependency requires professional therapies and treatment. You will follow a customized recovery plan at HARP based on your specific needs. This will also include treatments and options from a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, doctors, addiction specialists, and therapists.
HARP offers cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that can help you overcome the need for a codependent relationship as you recover from meth addiction. The facility also works with reputable detox centres to ensure your health and well-being are a top priority as you detox and experience withdrawal symptoms.
CBT is the gold standard for many psychosocial treatments, which is why it forms a crucial part of the meth and codependency recovery journey. The research clearly shows that CBT is highly effective for several disorders, as the American Psychology Association noted.
HARP eliminates the guesswork in rehab treatments by providing a safe, comfortable environment and therapies that actually work.
- Build a Support Network
A codependent relationship with a loved one or partner is not the type of support you need if you want to recover from meth addiction. But you do need a support system.
You must surround yourself with friends and family who want to see you complete your recovery successfully. Studies published in Addiction Research & Theory reveal that patients with strong support systems are far more likely to achieve long-term recovery.
HARP also does not offer rehab treatment ‘in isolation.’ When you undergo treatment at HARP, you can stay in contact with your loved ones and even check in at work.
The HARP team states that they want to guide all their patients from darkness to light. The facility’s highly experienced and expert staff will be your partner throughout the difficult journey to recovery. Their aim will be to restore your health and hope.
- Relapse Prevention
Unfortunately, meth addiction has a high relapse rate when a patient does not seek professional help. In the same way, codependency can rear its head again if the old harmful behaviours are not addressed and replaced with healthier habits.
HARP’s treatment and therapy options also focus on relapse prevention, including trigger recognition. Science-backed treatment models such as CBT help prevent relapse in many cases. HARP also continues to focus on innovative and improved addiction treatments to keep increasing the success rate of recovered patients.
- Committing to Long-Term Recovery
Recovering from meth addiction and codependency are lifelong processes. Once you are sober or know how to accept the boundaries set by your loved ones, you need to commit to this new way of living.
Staying in recovery means working on yourself, recognizing and avoiding your triggers, and improving your coping mechanisms. For most people, this means staying in therapy over the long term and continuing to engage with your recovery program.
With HARP’s aftercare program, you will get the long-term support you need to stay on the right track, away from meth use and codependency. This is also one of the best ways to reclaim your life and build something better for yourself.
How HARP Can Help You Reclaim Your Life
HARP combines proven therapies and treatments with compassion and care to treat all patients. The team at HARP is fully committed to seeing each patient through the worst of meth addiction and codependency recovery and to help them stay on the recovery track.
Moreover, HARP offers this in several beautiful settings that bring immediate calm and peace. If you enter a rehab program at HARP, you will also have several amenities at your disposal. These include the opportunity to cook meals, engage in watersport activities, complete groupwork projects, or simply focus on your physical health. There are lovely surroundings to enjoy while hiking and a spa for relaxation.
Speak to a Meth Recovery Specialist now to start your journey to recovery. It is the best decision for yourself and your loved ones.