My Friend Is Binge Drinking a Lot. When Should I Be Concerned?

6 bottles of wine

Have you noticed a friend drinking more often than usual? When they drink, do they also drink more than usual? If so, your friend is likely engaging in binge drinking, which can quickly escalate into an alcohol addiction. 

It is natural to feel concerned, but knowing when and how to intervene is also important. If you confront your friend without warning, you will alienate them. This is a big problem because then you will not know when they go out drinking or have the chance to help them. 

Keep reading to discover the signs of binge drinking and how it differs from alcohol use disorder. In this article, we will also discuss the signs that indicate it is time to intervene and how to help your friend find the support they need.

What Is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking is common among all adult age groups and involves consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short time. Generally speaking, this refers to men drinking five or more drinks in two hours. For women, it is four or more drinks in the same time frame. 

Binge drinking usually leads to a high blood alcohol level of around 0.08% or higher. This means immediate intoxication, which can have far-reaching consequences. 

Even if your friend does not binge drink every day, drinking that much alcohol in a short period can cause several health and mental problems. In the first place, if your friend drinks that much and then drives, they can cause a serious accident. 

Should they get home in one piece every time, they are still doing ongoing damage to their liver and brain. If they take things too far, they can end up suffering alcohol poisoning, which is devastating to the body. 

Your friend likely believes they are only drinking socially and having a bit of fun. What they do not realise is that the door is wide open for alcohol addiction. 

Binge Drinking Vs. Alcohol Use Disorder

Binge drinking is often a precursor to alcohol use disorder or addiction. When your friend binge drinks, they are focused on drinking as much as possible in a short time. Should your friend become addicted to alcohol, they will be unable to stop drinking even if they want to. 

Over time, your friend may suffer severe health consequences, social repercussions, and other problems. However, if they are addicted to alcohol, they will simply keep drinking. 

The key differences between binge drinking and alcohol use disorder are as follows:

  • Binge drinking usually happens sporadically and during events or celebrations. 
  • Alcohol use disorder involves a consistent pattern of drinking. If your friend becomes addicted, they will likely drink every day. 
  • If your friend binge drinks, they may be able to have some control over their drinking (setting limits).
  • If your friend is already addicted, they will find it impossible to control their drinking. They will crave alcohol at all times, regardless of where they are or what they are doing. 
  • As a binge drinker, your friend may not yet experience severe life disruptions. 
  • As a person addicted to alcohol, your friend may lose their job, have a conflict with their family, and become physically unwell. 

Signs That You Should Be Concerned

Binge drinking is a very slippery slope. While not all binge drinking leads to addiction, it can happen so fast that you may not even notice it. The following are the most important red flags to watch out for. 

  • Your friend may complain about severe hangovers more than once a week. They may also suffer from nausea and ongoing headaches. 
  • You may notice that your friend is losing weight or is always sick. 
  • They may also have unexplained bruises on their body. 

If you go out with your friend to a party or a bar, you may notice that they need more alcohol than usual to get drunk. When they do become intoxicated, they are likely to suffer from anxiety or show signs of irritability. 

Unfortunately, the more your friend drinks, the more likely it is that they will do things like driving drunk or going home with people they do not know. 

Moreover, if your friend continues to drink, they may skip school, work, or other commitments to do so. Their family members will start to complain about your friend’s drinking habits. Your friend may also begin to withdraw from you, their family, and their social circle. 

If you notice any of the above, and if your friend starts making excuses for their drinking, it is time to intervene as a matter of urgency. The same applies if your friend cannot stop talking about going drinking or if they seem to forget entire events after drinking. 

How to Intervene

a group of people sitting around a white table

Once you have educated yourself about the dangers of binge drinking and alcohol use disorder, you can have a conversation with your friend. Avoid having this conversation when your friend is drunk or hungover. Choose a private moment during which you can talk openly. 

However, talking openly does not mean being judgmental. You are not attacking your friend over their drinking. Instead, you let them know how worried you are and that you only want to help. 

If you get this part right, you can suggest professional help. At the same time, let your friend know you are always there to support them. 

Finding Help at HARP

If your friend’s drinking has escalated to the point where they need professional help, HARP can help. HARP (Hills & Ranges Private) offers a private and holistic approach to alcohol addiction treatment. Your friend will discover the root causes of their drinking habit and receive the resources and tools necessary to help them become sober. 

HARP can be a life-changer for your friend. With HARP and your support, your friend can overcome their drinking problem and regain control of their life. 

Watching a friend lose everything to alcohol is terrifying. However, when you get them the right help at the right time, you can help them turn their life around.

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