How Alcohol Intoxication Symptoms Are Treated at Hills & Ranges Private Melbourne Rehab

two man walking in the fancy garden

Alcohol intoxication symptoms range from mild to severe. Mild and moderate intoxication symptoms will wear down after a few hours. However, severe intoxication symptoms are potentially fatal and require immediate medical attention. 

No matter the severity of alcohol intoxication, Hills & Ranges Private Melbourne Rehab has the experts, equipment, and top-notch amenities to help you or your loved one recover in the safest way possible without compromising your comfort or privacy. 

Symptoms of Alcohol Intoxication

Symptoms generally vary between individuals and depend on intoxication’s severity. Symptoms in frequent drinkers or those with chronic alcohol problems are sometimes unpredictable and less apparent. But for people who haven’t developed tolerance, the immediate effects of alcohol are more predictable. Here are some symptoms based on BAC, the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. 

  • BAC .02% to 0.04% – This may cause little light-headedness and relaxation. Inhibitions are slightly loosened.
  • BAC .05% to .07% – This amount of alcohol in the bloodstream can cause a person to experience a mild sense of euphoria. Emotions become intense, and behaviour may become exaggerated. There may also be minor impairment in memory and reasoning. In Australia, driving with a .05% BAC is illegal.
  • BAC .08% to .10% – The drinker may start reacting slower and slurring their speech. The sense of balance is probably off, causing the person to bump into things, have an unsteady gait, fall off chairs, etc. A person’s judgment is also impaired.
  • BAC .11% to .15% – This amount can significantly impair a person’s coordination and motor skills, judgment, and memory. Some people can start getting aggressive or belligerent and loud. 
  • BAC .16% – .30% – This amount indicates severe alcohol intoxication. Symptoms can include difficulty talking, standing up, and walking. A person’s judgment and reaction time is also further impaired. Other serious adverse effects include blackouts, confusion, and increased nausea and vomiting. 
  • BAC .31% and Up – This amount can be life-threatening. The alcohol in the bloodstream can start affecting the person’s life-supporting functions, like breathing and heart rate. A BAC of this level causes alcohol poisoning. Symptoms to watch out for include difficulty staying conscious, slow or irregular breathing, and slow heart rate. The person’s skin may become cold and clammy, and the body temperature may drop. A person with alcohol poisoning can also pass out.

It usually takes several hours for most mild and moderate alcohol intoxication symptoms to wear off. It’s because the body, particularly of an average adult, can only process one unit of alcohol in an hour. Many other factors also affect the duration of intoxication, including a person’s overall health and fitness, alcohol tolerance, and the presence of medications in their bloodstream.

The Dangers of Alcohol Intoxication

Alcohol intoxication can be dangerous. High amounts of alcohol in the bloodstream can cause coma and even death. But even lower amounts of BAC can harm you, as you put yourself at risk of getting into accidents, developing alcohol-induced illnesses, and facing legal consequences, to name a few. 

How to Help a Loved One or Someone Suspected of Severe Intoxication or Alcohol Poisoning

Contact emergency services immediately if a loved one shows signs of alcohol poisoning. Stay with them while waiting for professional assistance. If the person is still conscious, have them sit upright to aid breathing. Don’t let them consume more alcohol. Offer them water to sip and keep them warm with a jacket or blanket.

If you cannot wake the person up, no matter how hard you try, turn them on their side to prevent them from choking on vomit. Keep the person warm as well.

Alcohol Intoxication Treatment at HARP

Hills & Ranges Private Melbourne Rehab is fully equipped to treat and manage alcohol intoxication. The facility is committed to providing each client with a personalized, world-class recovery experience through:

Professional Staff With Delicate Hearts

HARP clients get treatment from world-class multidisciplinary care teams. The team includes doctors, nurses, counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, and qualified drug facilitators. You can be sure you’re in good hands.

For the HARP team, “Success in rehab shouldn’t be a guessing game. We earn our client’s trust through creating a safe, comfortable and connected environment.”

2:1 Staff Ratio

At HARP, clients get highly targeted care. Two staff will attend to your needs. You’ll get undivided attention from not just one but two professionals to ensure timely intervention, increased safety, and deeper connections. These help increase your chances of making a complete recovery.

Holistic Approach

HARP’s holistic healing has already helped 500+ patients in Australia break free from their addictions. The facility has achieved that in just five years, proving that its approach to treatment works.


In addition to counselling, you can engage in a variety of health and wellness programs, including sessions with a chiropractor, massage therapists, your personal trainer, and yoga. The facility also offers gourmet dining. Other activities you can do include hiking, cooking, and water sports. 

Exclusive Curriculum

HARP has its own curriculum, which was developed by its team of counsellors and clinicians. It has the most up-to-date educational information and science in the field of alcohol and other drug (AOD) and mental health. It draws upon the globally recognized principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, trauma-informed therapy, and the best abstinence-based programs. 

Our former client, Rose, who completed our 28-day program, said, “Their curriculum was wonderful as it was so easy to understand and learn. At HARP Rehab, they don’t talk at you. They talk with you.”

Private Concierge Transfers

When you choose HARP, you need not worry about transportation. HARP can arrange door-to-door transport and private jet transfers, so all you need to do is let the team know when you need someone to pick you or your loved one up. Aside from speed, the private concierge transfers protect your anonymity and ensure safety.

Get Elite Care at HARP

Get experienced, discreet, and luxurious treatment for alcohol intoxication and addiction at HARP. Change your life today. Book a Guided Virtual Tour with an Alcohol Recovery Specialist.

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