The Role of Mindfulness in Addiction Recovery

Two females hugging and supporting each other, practicing mindfulness

Mindfulness is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm your mind and body. The goal is a mental state that is fully focused on “the now”, helping you acknowledge and accept your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Techniques can vary, but typically involves deep breathing and awareness of body and mind. Practicing mindfulness and learning to accept your feelings rather than suppress and modify them can help when recovering from addiction, and managing the triggers that cause it.

Simple Mindfulness Exercises

Practicing mindfulness in recovery is incredibly beneficial. Luxury rehabs like Rehab Melbourne Private have trained therapists, who can take you through the process of mindfulness meditation, including simple exercises like:

  • Focus on your breathing: Breathing exercises are a key aspect of every meditative practice and can help you restore a sense of calm.
  • Concentrate on your five senses: Focus on your five senses, smell, touch, sound, sight, and physical sensation. Like breathing, this can help you find solace and peace in the moment.
  • Accept your thoughts: Try to passively acknowledge and accept any thoughts that arise as they come. Knowing that your thoughts are just temporary and will fade is sometimes enough to generate a sense of calm.

Why Mindfulness is Important in Recovery

Achieving peace of mind is helpful when trying to recover from substance misuse in rehab. Studies have shown that mindfulness intervention can decrease the chances of a relapse, and frequency of using drugs and other substances. Mindfulness has been found to reduce the automatic neural process relating to alcohol and drug use. Some research has also shown that mindfulness can also determine the structure and changes in your brain. It can influence the volume of grey matter, which is critical in helping with perspective-taking and emotion regulation. Mindfulness can effectively reduce withdrawal symptoms, improve decision-making, and increase optimism.

Contact Our Rehabilitation Professionals

At Rehab Melbourne Private, we help anyone suffering from addiction and substance misuse. Contact our helpful team to find out about our treatment options, to ensure you or your loved one receives the right care they require. Give us a call on 1800 954 749 for more information on our drug counselling and rehab services in Melbourne.