Myths and Misconceptions About Addiction Treatment

Free Of Addiction. Happy Woman Sharing Her Recovery Story With Group On Therapy Session In Rehab

Rehab Melbourne busts some myths and misconceptions relating to addiction treatment. Read more below.

You Need Rehab When You Hit Rock Bottom

The choice to pursue sobriety is a deeply personal one. Any number of reasons may inspire you to take that important first step, all of them valid. Contrary to the belief, recovery does not have to begin once you lose everything, everyone, or hit rock bottom before making a decision to positively transform your life.

The journey of recovery is always easier with a support group of friends and family who are integral to your life. Employment and hobbies play a powerful role in grounding you after you rehab program is complete.

Rehab Is For Those Who Lack Willpower

We could not disagree more. At Rehab Melbourne’s drug and alcohol programs, people in treatment exhibit incredible displays of will power each day. Addiction is a severe and progressive illness that can completely destroy a person’s sense of self worth and ability to navigate the basic demands of life. A recovery program, tailored to your needs is crucial to begin unlocking the tremendous will power that resides in you.

To Relapse Is to Fail

Relapse is often viewed as utter defeat, a complete reversal of your efforts to reclaim your life. At Rehab Melbourne, we hold a different view of relapse. While it can be challenging, it is very much part of the process, as nearly every person on the path to recovery will admit. It is a reminder that we are all human and capable of mistakes. The important lesson is that we are also capable of dusting ourselves off and starting all over again. Sobriety is a skill which requires work, each day.

Losing the Trust of Loved Ones

Many believe that their family and loved ones will lose trust in them if the truth about their addiction is revealed. It may come as a relief to know that your loved ones may already know that you are going through something difficult. Substance recovery programs can be therapeutic for everyone in your life, creating a stronger bond.

All Rehab Programs Are the Same

Drug rehabilitation is a diverse field with different approaches and solutions for the debilitating illness of addiction. Rehab Melbourne understands that a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t effective. We offer different treatment options with a diverse array of approaches that cater to every unique individual, while valuing their personal needs and privacy. Our research-based alcohol detox programs and comprehensive counselling aims at getting to the root of the problem, providing you with the best care.

Treatment Will Cure Addiction:

The reality is that there is no cure for addiction. It’s a constant process of recovery requiring active engagement with the issues that cause addictive behaviour. At our state-of-the-art rehab facility, we empower you with tools that allow you to take charge of your recovery.

State of the Art Drug and Alcohol Recovery Program in Melbourne

Rehab Melbourne offers the best drug and alcohol rehab and counselling program for your loved one. you can learn more about our rehabilitation services by calling 1800 954 749 or using the online enquiry form.