On the Other Side of Crystal Meth Detox: 5 Survivor’s Stories From Hills & Ranges Private

recovery stories

Overcoming crystal meth addiction is an arduous journey where detoxifying is merely the first step toward recovery. It demands attention to many things, like addressing psychological challenges, creating sustainable coping strategies, and developing a strong support system. Still, it can be done. 

Hills & Ranges Private (HARP) offers a comprehensive 5-star treatment for crystal meth addiction — from detox to aftercare and every process in between. Learn about the HARP difference through the stories of five of our clients who successfully completed the program and are well on their way to recovery.

5i Curriculum

Here at HARP, the treatment process revolves around our patented 5i Curriculum, an evidence-based recovery approach to crystal meth and other addictions. It was crafted by clinicians and counsellors using the latest mental health and AOD science information to deliver effective treatment at any point in your addiction systematically.

Leigh, one of our clients, was immediately able to benefit from our 5i Curriculum when our counsellors delved right into his unresolved childhood trauma to identify the underlying cause of addiction. 

“My childhood trauma has been an ongoing problem for me. I’ve never been able to touch base on exactly what it was, but by coming in here, they gave me the right tools to really delve deep down and find that little boy, make amends with himself, and really start enjoying life again,” he recalled.

We educate our clients about the principles, theorems, and current addiction trends to provide insight into what’s happening inside their minds and why they did what they did. Therefore, our 5i recovery program ensures he left our facility treated and prepared for the future. 

“HARP’s 5i curriculum made me really understand what everything was about in the brain and all the scientific parts behind what actually leads to addiction and things like that. The biggest takeaway from the curriculum is having tools now so I can actually leave here from HARP and know that I’ve got everything I need to walk out and take life head-on.”

Holistic Approach

On top of our 5i Curriculum, we also employ holistic treatment for crystal meth addiction to address your overall well-being and increase the efficacy of treatments. Thanks to this, we don’t just help alleviate the physical symptoms of your addiction but make you thrive as well. Another one of our clients, Josh, described his overall experience in Hills & Ranges Private, saying, “I felt like I was loved back to life.”

Through counselling, building rapport, and being there for him throughout his detoxification, we helped him open up to the benefits of holistic therapy. “Once I started to feel that little bit of love and care for my own well-being, I was then able to really engage and take on what they were offering.”

Our therapeutic programs, such as massage, spa, acupuncture, gym, meditation, dietary therapy, and more, gave him the break he needed to help him figure out what was wrong and the potential the future holds for him.

“Not only am I succeeding in life now and happy, but I’ve uncovered a lot of myself that I would never have done before.” He stressed how HARP’s program allowed him to take time out of the day to work on himself and highly recommended our treatment centre to everybody suffering from all kinds of addiction.

5-Star Facilities and Services

From travel arrangements to ensuring the comfort of your stay, HARP offers a luxurious detox and rehabilitation experience. Our clients enjoy premium amenities like a fine dining kitchen, fully equipped gym, day spa, and more. Overcoming addiction itself is tough, and we want you to focus on that and nothing else. 

One of our former clients who completed the 28-day program reminisced about how impressed he was upon arrival, “I remember coming up the driveway to a massive house and thought this was the real deal.”

His description of his day-one experience is a testament to the 5-star experience we provide. He said, “I got taken upstairs to my new room, which was awesome. I had my own desk, my own balcony, and also my own en-suite.” We provided him with his private space, as we do for all our clients, which he appreciated greatly. “I felt at home. That was my safe space.”


No one wants to get labelled as a crystal meth addict, which is good because it helps prevent more people from trying out this dangerous drug. Unfortunately, for those who consume, embarrassment or stigma is one of the biggest barriers to getting treatment

Racquel, a client, had to be at the point of breaking before she let go of this thought. “All those feelings around being embarrassed, people knowing about me going to rehab, really went out the door because of how sick I was at the time,” she recounted.

However, we completely understand this sentiment and take extra measures to keep your identity and activities confidential. For instance, we ensure that every booking or consultation is treated sensitively. Our staff can go to your house to pick you up personally and charter you a flight in our private jet, if necessary. Our concierge will also handle the formalities of your enrolment for a more discreet registration.

Lifetime Aftercare Support

Post-rehab support shouldn’t just be an afterthought. It’s integral to recovery, especially in maintaining sobriety. One study showed that 61% of crystal meth users relapsed within one year after getting discharged from treatment facilities. It highlights the importance of continued care and relapse prevention services.

Jo, another one of our clients, broke free from addiction with the help of a supportive and caring community. With HARP, she found a safe, home-like environment that guided her through recovery not only during the program but also after she left our facilities.

“So, the aftercare program — I’m really excited to start that. I know that now, when I leave, I can pick up the phone, call one of the staff and I know they’re going to answer and really guide me in the right direction if I ever feel like I’m in an environment that’s uncomfortable or making me feel like I might go pick up and use, which I don’t want to.”

With HARP, once you become a client, you always stay a client. We offer life-long aftercare support to help ensure that our sober clients remain clean. For instance, our therapists and other staff are one call away if help is needed. We also provide access to our multifunctional app, offer discreet home visits, provide mobile health monitoring, and many more.

Try HARP Holistic Care

The path to getting over crystal meth addiction is fraught with hardships and obstacles, but HARP is here to guide you every step of the way. Our personalised treatment and holistic approach to addiction ensures that you are one step closer to your goal every day. Our 500+ successful clients speak for the efficacy of our program.

If you want to start your recovery, our supportive staff team will gladly tell you more. Talk to a Meth Recovery Specialist today.

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